
I am a college student in Boston. I'm studying math. I love watching and talking about films. I also try to read when I can and occasionally will post about books and maybe even some topic on math or anything really that I find important. I'm always open to suggestions so leave a comment if you feel I would like a film or even if you have something to respond to in my posts. Enjoy!
NOTE: All ratings are based on how much I enjoyed the film, not how well done it is or how many awards it has won. For example, I love Will Ferrell movies and refuse to adjust the ratings because they aren't Academy Award quality.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Start of an Epic: "Kill Bill: Vol. 1"

As you can tell from my first post, I love Tarantino! I think he is brilliant and his style is beautifully over-the-top violence. Now this weekend was the first time I had seen Kill Bill: Vol. 1 from start to finish. Let me say that it is much better that way, incase you didn't know. The story is something to be admired. It is perfect for Tarantino's non-linear formant and his excessive violence to the point of ridiculousness. I personally love that he goes over the top with the violence. It might seem cheesy in some films, in particular Django but even in that and especially here, I think it fits in perfectly. This movie feels like a cheesy Kung-Fu movie because of the action scenes which are over the top and incredibly bloody. The almost super human strength and agility along with the breaking of every chair, table and piece of glass in sight creates a mood that is unbelievable but also incredibly entertaining and it just feels right. 

The Bride (Uma Thurman) is a character created by Quentin and Uma. The story is of her revenge on the Deadly Viper Assassin Squad, of whom she was once a member and who 4 years earlier had destroyed her wedding and almost killed her. After coming out of a coma, she swore revenge on the members of her former team. She has her notebook with where to find each and one by one swears to cross each off the list. In Volume 1 we see The Bride escape the hospital and fight 2 members of her former team. We are also introduced to the rest of the team, Budd, Eve and Bill. We begin to learn the backstory to her wedding and we learn a little bit about Bill, whose face is never seen. 

The film is incredibly exciting! It's an adrenaline rush! It has loads of action but doesn't sacrifice story telling. We get a pretty extensive background on some characters throughout the films chapters. Like always we get a brilliant film which is to be expected of Tarantino. It's filled with witty lines and all sorts of minute details that really help bring the story together. Tarantino is yet to disappoint me! 3.5 out of 4! Hopefully this weekend I'll watch Volume 2 and in the near future the world will get the finale, Volume 3. 

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